Black Book - a dark RPG and Card game based on Russia - Slavic myths , solve all Puzzle Battle, and other Riddle , Black Book Puzzle
In this game set at year 1879, you play as Vasilisa a young girl who just lost her husband, try to be a witch (koldun) to save him from Hell using the Black Book.
Explore the Russia land in old time, where humans live alongside mythological being. Dive into the haunting, cold, yet alluring world of Slavic folktales, and uncover the secrets that hide in the darkness.
Fight evil forces, help the others and in hope of helping yourself on the way.
A fusion of card-based battles RPGs and Adventure games. English localisation is great, but if you can understand Russian I'd recommend switching to it. Sadly, I not good at Russian.
But, this game is still one the of best for me. Card for Yu-gi-Oh! , RPG for Final Fantasy. I have played for so many hours, 200++, get all the Ending, solve all the puzzle battle, try every options.
1. A lot of Slavic folklore, cool tales and mythical creatures such as mermaid, leshiy, werewolves etc
2. Good story line and variety in endings
3. Characters you can sympathise with, nice voice acting
4. A lot of variety in choices, you can fight an enemy or try to persuade them or even play cards with them to have it your way (keep a close eye on details, if you choose correctly you can avoid a lot of fights!)
5. Cool sin mechanic, ordering devils around is kinda nice
6. Card game - played it a lot in my childhood, really easy and fun game (but beware sometimes opponents may cheat, especially supernatural folk)
7. Nice puzzles - when you have to win in few rounds or under other conditions
8. Interesting fights - a lot of variety with cards. I generally dislike card games but this one is somewhat interesting
7 seals of Black Book
1) First Seal
2) Aspen Seal
3) Water Seal
4) Wolf Seal
5) Spruce Seal
6) Fern Seal
7) Dead Seal
Black Book
chapter list
_Prologue _ Initiation of a witch
First Seal
_Chapter 1 _ How to Kidnap from a Banya
Aspen Seal -(Aspen is a kinds of Tree)
_Chapter 2 _ How to Visit a Vodyanoi
Water Seal
_Chapter 3 _ How Kolduns Curse Weddings
Wolf Seal
_Chapter 4 _ How a Leshiy Walks the Forest
Spruce Seal
_Chapter 5 _ How to find the Fern Flower
Fern Seal
_Chapter 6 _ How Kolduns die
Dead Seal
_Chapter 7 _ How Sinners Suffer in Hell
maximum Level is 20 , maximum normal HP is 108 , normal mean before added or detucted

I only include the hard to answer or important one.
Black Book _chapter 1 _
Spinner House - Riddle
Needle and Thread
Sky and Stars
Black Book _chapter 5 _
Paramedic Station - Decoction mix
Right bottle pour to Left bottle
Left bottle pour to Middle bottle
Middle bottle pour to Right bottle
Left bottle pour to Middle bottle
Right bottle pour to Left bottle
Left bottle pour to Middle bottle
Right --> Left
Left --> Middle
Middle --> Right
Left --> Middle
Right --> Left
Left --> Middle
Black Book _chapter 6 _
Old Warehouse - Swan - Piere - Riddle
Black Book _Chapter 6 _
at Alexander's Office - if you choose to to Persude
Both answer below can be use
3. Spinner
4. The book is useless
Black Book _chapter 6 _
Burned Threads
Black Book
Puzzle battle
I have solve all the puzzle battle , and I include all of them here.
** Note ** For All puzzle battle , keep losing, after Restart Battle 5 times, you can skip the battle.
(B) = Black Card
(W) = White Card
Black Book _chapter 1 _First puzzle battle at old Egor hidding Treasure place
(Turn 1)
(W) Audelai
(B) Koldun Fiend
(Turn 2)
(B) Kila
(B) Kila
(B) Ruda
Black Book _chapter 1 _puzzle battle at Dog Creek
(Turn 1)
(B) Ognevista -attack middle demon
(B) Korkusha -attack Right demon
(B) Blood-Burn
Nikolay -attack middle demon
(Turn 2)
(W) iazarus
, or just End , use Nothing
(Turn 3)
(B) Skorchen -attack Right demon
(B) Perepoloh
(B) Ruda -attack Left demon
Black Book _chapter 1 _puzzle battle at Creaky Woods
(Turn 1)
(W) imperishable Phelonion
(W) Headless
(W) Enaha Demon
Nikolay -attack
(Turn 2)
(B) Urazi
(B) Korkusha
(B) Herod Bones
(Turn 3)
(B) Korkusha
(B) Tryasovitsa
(B) Ruda
Black Book _chapter 2 _puzzle battle at Black Swarms
(Turn 1)
(W) Chur
(W) George The Father
(B) Gryja -attack Right demon
(B) Ruda -attack Right demon
Levonty -attack Right demon
(Turn 2)
(B) Gryja -attack Right demon
(B) Gryja -attack Right demon
(B) Gryja -attack Right demon
(B) Ruda -attack Right demon
(Turn 3)
(W) Salmanida
(B) Gryja
Black Book _chapter 2 _puzzle battle at Turchanka Village
(Turn 1)
(W) Witch Mouth +
(B) Lock
Levonty -attack Middle demon
(Turn 2)
(B) Kila -attack Left demon
(B) Kila -attack Middle demon
(B) Kila -attack Right demon
(B) Ruda -attack Middle demon
Black Book _chapter 2 _puzzle battle at Levonty's Izba
(Turn 1)
(B) Rouble
(B) Rouble
(B) Ruda
Levonty -attack
(Turn 2)
(W) Avoil +
(W) Judea
(B) Golden Coffers
Black Book _chapter 2 _puzzle battle at Prokopy grave
(Turn 1)
(W) Headless
(B) Dead Man
(B) Blood-Burn
(B) Firm Knife
(Turn 2)
(W) Headless
(W) Headless
(Turn 3)
(B) Breakbone
(B) Breakbone
(B) Herod Bones
Black Book _Chapter 3 _puzzle battle at Road to Yanibor
(B) (Black)
Koldun Fiend
(W) (White)
(Turn 1)
(B) Kila
(B) Kila
(W) Iazarus
(Turn 2)
(B) Kila
(B) Kila
(B) Koldun Fiend
Black Book _Chapter 5 _puzzle battle at Abandoned Well
(Turn 1)
(W) Pious Word
(W) George The Father
(B) Bellower
Karnysh -use skill - Bless 3
(Turn 2)
(W) George The Brave
(B) Urazi
(W) Amen
Black Book _Chapter 5 _puzzle battle at Karnysh's Forest
(Turn 1)
(W) George The Father
(W) Headless
(W) iazarus
(B) Bellower
(Turn 2)
(W) George The Father
(W) Headless
(W) iazarus
(B) Ruda -attack Right demon
Karnysh -use skill - Bless 3
(Turn 3)
(B) Urazi + -attack Left demon
(B) Urazi + -attack Right demon
(B) Ruda -attack Left demon
(B) Ruda -attack Right demon
Black Book _Chapter 6 _puzzle battle at Passage
(Turn 1)
(B) Perepoloh
(B) Kila -attack Right demon
(B) Koldun Fiend -attack Left demon
(B) Key-Tongue -attack Left demon
Black Book _Chapter 6 _puzzle battle at Storage - if you choose attack
(Turn 1)
(B) Gryja
(B) Gryja
(B) Koldun Fiend
Black Book _Chapter 6 _puzzle battle at Old Warehouse - Not pass Swan -Piere- Riddle
(Turn 1)
(B) Urazi
(B) Urazi
(B) Lock
(Turn 2)
(B) Urazi
(B) Lock
(Turn 3)
(B) Kila
(B) Nava
(B) Lock
(Turn 4)
(B) Ruda
Black Book _Chapter 6 _puzzle battle at Library - if you cut the bear
(Turn 1)
(W) Moon Brothers -attack Left demon
(W) Moon Brothers -attack Right demon
(W) Judea -attack Right demon
(B) Key-Tongue -attack Left demon
(W) Sky High
(W) in Father's Name
Black Book _Chapter 6 _puzzle battle at Corridor
(Turn 1)
(B) Perepoloh
(B) Ubeitsa -attack Middle demon
(B) Snake-head -attack Right demon
(B) Worms -attack Left demon
(B) Tomashikha
Black Book _Chapter 6 _puzzle battle at Alexander's Office - if you choose attack , or if you choose wrong answer at Persude
(Turn 1)
(W) Chur
(B) Serpent's Sting
(Turn 2)
(B) Dead Man
(B) Kain
(B) Firm Knife
(B) Prizor the Sticky
(Turn 3)
(B) Kain
(B) Ruda
Black Book _Chapter 6 _puzzle battle at Narrow Walkway - if you choose attack
(Turn 1)
(B) Curse
(B) Curse
(B) Khokhor
(B) Sea Depth
(B) Ruda
There are many possible endings:
These 3 endings can only be obtain , on the amount of sin your have :
- be the devil's bride (high sins 200++ , choose put the book down, not attack)
- take the throne (high sins 100++ , attack, beat the devil, take throne)
- good ending (below 99 sins , attack, beat the devil , burn the book)
common or usual ending :
- escape the hell (any amount of sins, choose attack, beat the devil, escape)
After skip the credit scene , there are different in the Ending , depend on what your have done in the game:
- have you recuit the skull at Spinner house, Levonty ?
- have you recuit the cat, Proshka ?
- have you recuit the crow, Karnysh ?
- have you save Fedka the Harmonist ?
- have you save Fedka the Harmonist from werewolf curse ?
- have you save Petka from werewolf curse ?
- have you save Nikolay from werewolf curse ?
- have you forgive Alexander ?
- have you forgive Egor ?
How to get low sin
To get low sin is the hardest thing to do. But, it can be done. I even have no sin at all.
A very good way to be safe is test it out. Save the game before making any choice, if the outcome is not what you want, just load and play again.
Don't steal any things, help living beings, don't curse the other, forgive, only send your chorts for meaningless job.
Check your sins before any battle, then check your sins after the battle. Using some card , Artifact-item will give you sin.
These some of card that will give you sin.
(White -Key) Witch Mouth
(Black -Key) Satanail
This Artifact-item make every sin you get x7
Burned Fang
so, to aviod to get sin, DON'T use them
To get high sins for the Devil's Bride ending, even you have no sin at all.
This can be done at the last chapter
Start from Hell Gate
Now, reverse from the above, use cards, Artifact-item , that will give you sin.
Equip the Artifact-item Burned Fang
Later in the game, there will be a Chorts Fair that will sell one of it, buy it , equip it too.
Make a second or third page order, choose at top Right 1 2 3 , at Black Book page, include these card
(White -Key) Witch Mouth
(Black -Key) Satanail
my is
2x (Black -Key) Satanail
1x (White -Key) Witch Mouth
3x (White -Key) Glory to Angel
1x (Black -Key) Koldun Fiend
1x (Black -Key) Key-Tongue
2x (Black -Key) Grandfather Adamy
1x (Black -Key) Aspen
3x (White -Order) George the Father
2x (Black -Order) Fierce Wind
2x (Black -Order) Korkusha
1x (Black -Order) Breakbone
1x (Black -Order) Uroki
my Equipped Artifact-item
Burned Fang
Burned Fang
Fern Flower
Svyatki Mask
Petka's Flute
Folding Icon
Later in the game, you can buy.
(Black -Order) Withering
(White -Order) George the Pious
(Black -Key) Chemer
Buy two of each if you have enough money
Best Card
(Page) type
Well-versed is essentially the central mechanic
of this battle card game system. +1 power for every same color card
(Page) added after the first one, for example, I use 3x (White -order) George the Father, each of
them get +2 , so total added = 2x3 = 6 , more if I add one (White -key) Glory to Angel , George the Father power will be 3x each original power + 3x3 = powerful ! Add more, more power !
Firm is pretty good. A
card stays on the board letting you use not only use its effect again
but also letting it count towards “well-versed”.
Early game, the
black firm cards aren’t that good, but the two white cards, the one that
gives you piety and the one that gives you-ward, are really good.
Best Equip Artifact or Artefacts -item
Fern Flower
Svyatki Mask
Blue Boot
All Artefacts or Artifact-item that give you immunity is good.
There are many more to find out, but now is your turn.
Your question is welcome.
Black Book - a dark RPG and Card game based on Russia - Slavic myths , solve all Puzzle Battle, and other Riddle