Compare 2D to 3D fighting game, I like 2D fighting games the most.
For detail,2D fighting games include these and more.
The King of Fighters' 94, The King of Fighters' 95, The King of Fighters' 96, The King of Fighters' 97,
The King of Fighters' 98, The King of Fighters' 99, The King of Fighters' 2000, The King of Fighters' 2001,
The King of Fighters' 2002, The King of Fighters' 2003, Street Fighter II, Street Fighter II Turbo,
Super Street Fighter II, Street Fighter Alpha(Zero), Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Zero 2), Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Zero 3), Street Fighter III, Street Fighter III 2nd Impact, , Street Fighter III 3rd Strike, Marvel Super Heroes, X-Men: Children of Atom, X-Men VS Street Fighter, Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter,
Marvel vs Capcom 1 -Clash of Super Heroes, Marvel vs Capcom 2, CVS-Capcom vs SNK, Capcom vs SNK 2, Vampire - Night Warriors, Vampire Savior -The Lord of Vampire, Fatal Fury 1, 2, 3, Real Bout Fatal Fury Special, Garou -Mark of the Wolves, Samurai Shodown (Samurai Spirit ) 1,2,3,4,5, The Last Blade 1, The Last Blade 2, World Heroes 1,2, World Heroes 2 Jet, World Heroes Perfect, JoJo's Bizzare Venture, Rage of the Dragons, Art of Fighting 1, 2, 3, Cyberbots -Fullmetal Madness, Gouketsuji -Power Instinct 1, Gouketsuji -Power Instinct -Matrimelee, Wazard (Red Earth), Super Pocket Fighter Mini Mix,
Guilty Gear, Guilty Gear X, Guilty Gear XX, Guilty Gear: Judgment, Guilty Gear 2: Overture, and therer are a lot more fun & interesting 2D fighting games I not mention or forget to mention.
For 3D fighting game : I just list some of I like. The other I will not mention in the list below.
Tekken series: Tekken 1,2,3, 4, Tekken Tag Tournament, Tekken 5, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 ;
Street Fighter 4, Street Fighter 4 Arcade Version, The King of Fighters'Maximum Impact 1,2 ;
Marvel vs. Capcom 3; Soul series: Soul Edge, Soul Calicur 1,2,3,4, 5; Bloody Roar series 1,2,3,4,
Dead or Alive series: 1,2,3,4,5.
Since 2003 to now, 3D games getting more popular day by day, these also same for fighting games.
But I still like retro 2D fighting games the most.
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