Wednesday 13 January 2016

Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics

Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Intuition are Related How?

Kids can get into Quantum Mechanics!
Kids can get into Quantum Mechanics!
Crazy cool question I have been studying, working with and discussing since the 1970’s! When I was a kid, my best friend, David Chavez, (an amazing teacher now), and I would discuss things like:
  •   Could you travel so fast time would go backwards? quantum physics? quantum mechanics?
  •   Could you travel so fast time would bend? quantum physics? quantum mechanics?
  •   Is there such thing as a tesseract? quantum physics? quantum mechanics?
  •   Can you be in 2 places at once? quantum physics? quantum mechanics?
  •   Can you use your mind to affect change? quantum physics? quantum mechanics? intuition?
All very fun things to play with when you are 16, and guess what? They are still fun to play with as an adult, quite serious about changing the world through empowering the humans who live on it!
So what is the Big Deal About Things Quantum?
Big is a funny word to use in relationship to quantum physics and quantum mechanics as the very word quantum has to do with the tiniest of particles known to man, which is actually energy.
What is Quantum Physics?
Quantum physics is a branch of science that deals with discrete, indivisible units of energy called quanta as described by the Quantum Theory.  With quantum physics there are five main ideas represented in Quantum Theory:
  1. Energy is not continuous, but comes in small but discrete units.
  2. The elementary particles behave both like particles and like waves.
  3. The movement of these particles is inherently random.
  4. It is physically impossible to know both the position and the momentum of a particle at the same time. The more precisely one is known, the less precise the measurement of the other is.
  5. The atomic world is nothing like the world we live in.

Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics
While at a glance this may seem like just another strange theory, it contains many clues as to the fundamental nature of the universe and is more important then even relativity in the grand scheme of things (if any one thing at that level could be said to be more important then anything else). Furthermore, it describes the nature of the universe as being much different than the world we see. As Niels Bohr said, “Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it.”
Quantum Physics: the smallest quantity of some physical property, such as energy, that a system can possess according to the quantum theory. Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition 2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
Quantum Mechanics:   The active behaviors of waves and particles of energy are proven to be effected by observation.  A fundamental theory of matter and energy that explains facts that previous physical theories were unable to account for, in particular the fact that energy is absorbed and released in small, discrete quantities (quanta), and that all matter displays both wavelike and particle-like properties, especially when viewed at atomic and subatomic scales. Quantum mechanics suggests that the behavior of matter and energy is inherently probabilistic and that the effect of the observer on the physical system being observed must be understood as a part of that system. The American Heritage® Science Dictionary, Copyright © 2002. Published by Houghton Mifflin.

Intuition: is a noun, as in a thing that exists. Intuition is a gift that can be tapped into and there are as many different intuitive gifts as there are people who tap into it. A collection of definitions are as follows:
  1. direct perception of truth, fact, etc., independent of any reasoning process; immediate apprehension.
  2. a fact, truth, etc., perceived in this way.
  3. a keen and quick insight.
  4. the quality or ability of having such direct perception or quick insight.

Intuition in the philosophical realm, may be considered:
  1. an immediate cognition of an object not inferred or determined by a previous cognition of the same object.
  2. any object or truth so discerned.
  3. pure, untaught, non-inferential knowledge.
Can you tie Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics and Intuition Together?

Quantum Physics and Application
Quantum Physics and Application
Simply, if quantum physics has to do with the tiniest particles we know of, basically energy, with quantum mechanics being the workings of energy, while intuition is the innate knowing of the pure truth of things on an uninfluenced energetic level, then it only makes sense that cultivation of intuition would effect things on an energetic plane. Breathe. You do not have to ‘get’ this all at once. I have studied it for decades and had a lot of mentoring and practice and training, but the process is simple and you can learn it or hire me to do it for you.
It is a Lot Simpler than You Think!
Sound overly simplistic and like I left things out, like theta brain waves and such, well, it is simple and I left a lot of things out, which does not change the fact, ‘thoughts become things’ and you can change things by changing your intention, your thoughts and your choices. It happens all the time and it may be about time, you harnessed your intention for more positive things in your own life.
Thoughts become things… choose the good ones!

According to a well-known theory in quantum physics, a particle’s behavior changes depending on whether there is an observer or not. It basically suggests that reality is a kind of illusion and exists only when we are looking at it. Numerous quantum experiments were conducted in the past and showed that this indeed might be the case. Thought-provoking findings Some particles, such as photons or electrons, can behave both as particles and as waves. Here comes a question of what exactly makes a photon or an electron act either as a particle or a wave. This is what Wheeler’s experiment asks: at what point does an object ‘decide’? The results of the Australian scientists’ experiment, which were published in the journal Nature Physics, show that this choice is determined by the way the object is measured, which is in accordance with what quantum theory predicts. “It proves that measurement is everything. At the quantum level, reality does not exist if you are not looking at it,” said lead researcher Dr. Andrew Truscott in a press release. The experiment The original version of John Wheeler’s experiment proposed in 1978 involved light beams being bounced by mirrors.However, it was difficult to implement it and get any conclusive results due to the level of technological progress back then. Now, it became possible to successfully recreate the experiment by using helium atoms scattered by laser light. Dr. Truscott’s team forced a hundred of helium atoms into a state of matter called Bose-Einstein condensate. After this, they ejected all the atoms until there was only one left. Then, the researchers used a pair of laser beams to create a grating pattern, which would scatter an atom passing through it just like a solid grating scatters light. Thus, the atom would either act as a particle and pass through one arm or act as a wave and pass through both arms. Thanks to a random number generator, a second grating was then randomly added in order to recombine the paths. This was done only after the atom had already passed the first grate. As a result, the addition of the second grating caused interference in the measurement, showing that the atom had traveled both paths, thus behaving like a wave. At the same time, when the second grating was not added, there was no interference and the atom appeared to have traveled only one path. The results and their interpretation As the second grating was added only after the atom had passed through the first one, it would be reasonable to suggest that the atom hadn’t yet ‘decided’ whether it was a particle or a wave before the second measurement. According to Dr. Truscott, there may be two possible interpretations of these results. Either the atom ‘decided’ how to behave based on the measurement or a future measurement affected the photon’s past. “The atoms did not travel from A to B. It was only when they were measured at the end of the journey that their wave-like or particle-like behavior was brought into existence,” he said. Thus, this experiment adds to the validity of the quantum theory and provides new evidence to the idea that reality doesn’t exist without an observer. Perhaps further research in the field of quantum physics and more thought-provoking evidence like this will completely change our understanding of reality one day. “If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet.” About the Author Anna is the owner and lead editor of the website, and staff writer for The Mind Unleashed. She is passionate about learning new things and reflecting on thought-provoking ideas. She writes about technology, science, psychology and other related topics. She is particularly interested in topics regarding introversion, consciousness and subconscious, perception, human mind’s potential, as well as the nature of reality and the universe.

Be well, beloveds, and be grateful.


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