
Android devices have a metric ton of uses that range of ridiculously simple to absurdly complex. One of the more simple uses for an Android device is to use it as a calculator and this is one of the better uses. You have your Android device on your pretty much all the time which means you have a calculator on you at pretty much all times. There are even many kinds of calculators. Here are the best Android calculator apps!
[Price: Free with in app purchases]
First up is Algeo Graphing Calculator and it’s a very solid option for casual use and academic use. It has a simple interface which makes basic calculations a breeze and digging into the app a little bit reveals some more complicated functions that you’ll likely need for your trigonometry class or algebra class. The graphing part is solid but not overly feature filled. It’s definitely no substitute for a TI-series graphing calculator but for simple applications, it’s good.

[Price: Free]
Andie Graph isn’t a calculator on the face of it. It’s actually a TI-series emulator that lets you run TI-series ROMs (think video game emulators). That means it’s possible to have an actual TI calculator on your device. You’ll have to procure yourself a TI ROM and those instructions are available online. It’s a little complicated but once you get it done, you can keep your bulky calculator in the desk drawer and just use your phone. Warning: some schools and classes won’t let you use this substitute. You should ask your teacher before switching over to this permanently and don’t throw away your actual TI calculator.

[Price: Free / $1.96]
Calcu is a calculator app that focuses more on style than functionality. It has the basic stuff with some extra functions thrown in. It’s good for your run-of-the-mill math classes and it can be used for light trig, calculus, and even physics thanks to its customization but you’ll probably end up defaulting to a more specialized calculator for anything more complex. It also comes with 12 themes, a customizable keypad, and a sleek design.

[Price: Free / $3.99]
Calculator++ is a scientific/graphing calculator option with a lot of unique features. Along with the basic stuff, you get a dedicated copy/paste button, support for Android 1.6 and up, a widget, and more. The design is a little old school and a tad cluttered but most complex calculators share that negative aspect. Much like Calcu, it’s great for the basics and some light computations in the more complex mathematics. It’s also open source which is always a good thing.

[Price: Free]
Calculator (CyanogenMod) is the calculator app that has been inside of the CyanogenMod ROM since 2012 and it’s also open source and used in other AOSP ROMs. It comes with some basic graphing functionality along with some of the more basic advanced math functions that you’ll likely need. It hides it all behind a simple and sleek interface so it can be used for the basic stuff without feeling bloated or confusing. It’s also totally free which is great.

[Price: Free / $0.99 and Free / $0.99 respectively]
Developers Digitalchemy, LLC have released not one, but two calculators and they’re both really good. The first is Calculator Plus which is essentially a calculator for dummies. On basic calculators, you hit buttons and the calculator does things and it doesn’t ever explain what it did. Calculator Plus shows its work so you know what happened. It comes with a fun, colorful design and is compatible with Samsung’s Multi-Window for those with Samsung Devices. Fraction Calculator is a calculator designed for those who are math-challenged or for kids. It allows you to type in fractions in a manner people who are bad at math can understand and includes enough extra functionality to keep a kid going through middle and potentially some of high school as well. These are two solid calculators.

[Price: Free]
Financial Calculators are a set of calculators to help with calculations in and around finance. It contains things like a credit card payoff calculator, APR calculator, loan calculator, currency converter, stocks and bonds calculators, and much more. What makes this so useful is the fact that a lot of people don’t know how to calculate these things on their own and this helps them with those uncomfortable terms and equations that many people don’t know. It’s also totally free.

[Price: Free with in app purchases / $1.99]
Graphing Calculator MathlabPRO is a scientific calculator and graphing calculator with a lot of functionalityh. On the scientific side of things, you can have trig functions, inverse functions, scientific and engineering notation, derivatives, and more. For graphics, you have quite a bit more functionality than you usually see outside of the TI-series calculators and that includes 3D graphs on the Pro version. It’s solid and powerful but you don’t really see the awesome unless you pay for it and that may upset some people.

[Price: Free]
Much like Financial Calculators, Handyman Calculator contains a number of equations and functionality for a specific profession. Included in this little gem are calculators that help you calculate square and cubic footage, woodworking, electrical calculations, asphalt volume, concrete, brick, mortar, and sand, and plenty more. If you work in one of the many handyman professions, this is a calculator that you should definitely check out.

[Price: Free / $3.20]
Mobi Calculator is more of a classic scientific calculator in terms of look and feel. That means it has a crowded interface with a lot of buttons and they all do multiple things. This is great for people who are still use to the old way of doing things when buttons had multiple uses and the ratings reflect that many people quite enjoy the familiarity. It contains all the basic stuff along with logarithms, trig functions, Radix mode, percentages, and more. There are also multiple themes in case you want a different look.

[Price: Free]
MyScript Calculator is an interesting entry. Instead of having buttons and the like, it allows you to literally write out the equations you need solved and it’ll attempt to solve it for you. The basics are all covered and you can put down some pretty complicated algebra and trig without there being any hiccups. It’s recommended for people with tablets although it does work on phones as well but you’ll likely want a stylus to get maximum enjoyment. There aren’t a lot of functions available but it handles what is available quite well and it’s a unique premise.

[Price: Free / $1.50]
Numix Calculator is another one that focuses a bit more on style. It adheres to Google’s Material Design standard and was one of the first calculator apps to do so. It features some bright colors and a sleek interface that is just enjoyable to use. The free version is a basic calculator while the pro version includes additional mathematical functionality, more themes, and more. It’s open source, has a widget (great for tablets!), and it’s great for basic math uses.

[Price: Free / $3.49]
RealCalc was one of the first really good scientific calculators ever available on Android. It features a cluttered interface not unlike Mobi Calculator above. That said, it does do a lot with a little bit of space. It has only one screen and you can do a ridiculous number of things inside of it. It’s one of the highest rated Android apps out there and it’s been around forever. About the only downside is the interface looks older, but not bad.

[Price: $2.99]
Wolfram Alpha isn’t a calculator app but it does have a calculator included. It’s a knowledge app that shows you statistics and facts about all sorts of things including things like math, statistics, physics, chemistry, engineering, and much, much more. It’s one of the “smartest” apps ever released on Android and you can do calculations on it using its built in calculator. It’s one of the few apps that we would recommend to all math students no matter how advanced it is. Wolfram Alpha is a must-have app.

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Best iOS & Android calculator apps
.Android devices have a metric ton of uses that range of ridiculously simple to absurdly complex. One of the more simple uses for an Android device is to use it as a calculator and this is one of the better uses. You have your Android device on your pretty much all the time which means you have a calculator on you at pretty much all times. There are even many kinds of calculators. Here are the best Android calculator apps!
Algeo Graphing Calculator
[Price: Free with in app purchases]First up is Algeo Graphing Calculator and it’s a very solid option for casual use and academic use. It has a simple interface which makes basic calculations a breeze and digging into the app a little bit reveals some more complicated functions that you’ll likely need for your trigonometry class or algebra class. The graphing part is solid but not overly feature filled. It’s definitely no substitute for a TI-series graphing calculator but for simple applications, it’s good.

Andie Graph
[Price: Free]Andie Graph isn’t a calculator on the face of it. It’s actually a TI-series emulator that lets you run TI-series ROMs (think video game emulators). That means it’s possible to have an actual TI calculator on your device. You’ll have to procure yourself a TI ROM and those instructions are available online. It’s a little complicated but once you get it done, you can keep your bulky calculator in the desk drawer and just use your phone. Warning: some schools and classes won’t let you use this substitute. You should ask your teacher before switching over to this permanently and don’t throw away your actual TI calculator.
Calcu: The Ultimate Calculator
[Price: Free / $1.96]Calcu is a calculator app that focuses more on style than functionality. It has the basic stuff with some extra functions thrown in. It’s good for your run-of-the-mill math classes and it can be used for light trig, calculus, and even physics thanks to its customization but you’ll probably end up defaulting to a more specialized calculator for anything more complex. It also comes with 12 themes, a customizable keypad, and a sleek design.

[Price: Free / $3.99]Calculator++ is a scientific/graphing calculator option with a lot of unique features. Along with the basic stuff, you get a dedicated copy/paste button, support for Android 1.6 and up, a widget, and more. The design is a little old school and a tad cluttered but most complex calculators share that negative aspect. Much like Calcu, it’s great for the basics and some light computations in the more complex mathematics. It’s also open source which is always a good thing.

Calculator (CyanogenMod)
[Price: Free]Calculator (CyanogenMod) is the calculator app that has been inside of the CyanogenMod ROM since 2012 and it’s also open source and used in other AOSP ROMs. It comes with some basic graphing functionality along with some of the more basic advanced math functions that you’ll likely need. It hides it all behind a simple and sleek interface so it can be used for the basic stuff without feeling bloated or confusing. It’s also totally free which is great.

Calculator Plus and Fraction Calculator
[Price: Free / $0.99 and Free / $0.99 respectively]Developers Digitalchemy, LLC have released not one, but two calculators and they’re both really good. The first is Calculator Plus which is essentially a calculator for dummies. On basic calculators, you hit buttons and the calculator does things and it doesn’t ever explain what it did. Calculator Plus shows its work so you know what happened. It comes with a fun, colorful design and is compatible with Samsung’s Multi-Window for those with Samsung Devices. Fraction Calculator is a calculator designed for those who are math-challenged or for kids. It allows you to type in fractions in a manner people who are bad at math can understand and includes enough extra functionality to keep a kid going through middle and potentially some of high school as well. These are two solid calculators.

Financial Calculators
[Price: Free]Financial Calculators are a set of calculators to help with calculations in and around finance. It contains things like a credit card payoff calculator, APR calculator, loan calculator, currency converter, stocks and bonds calculators, and much more. What makes this so useful is the fact that a lot of people don’t know how to calculate these things on their own and this helps them with those uncomfortable terms and equations that many people don’t know. It’s also totally free.

Graphing Calculator MathlabPRO
[Price: Free with in app purchases / $1.99]Graphing Calculator MathlabPRO is a scientific calculator and graphing calculator with a lot of functionalityh. On the scientific side of things, you can have trig functions, inverse functions, scientific and engineering notation, derivatives, and more. For graphics, you have quite a bit more functionality than you usually see outside of the TI-series calculators and that includes 3D graphs on the Pro version. It’s solid and powerful but you don’t really see the awesome unless you pay for it and that may upset some people.

Handyman Calculator
[Price: Free]Much like Financial Calculators, Handyman Calculator contains a number of equations and functionality for a specific profession. Included in this little gem are calculators that help you calculate square and cubic footage, woodworking, electrical calculations, asphalt volume, concrete, brick, mortar, and sand, and plenty more. If you work in one of the many handyman professions, this is a calculator that you should definitely check out.

Mobi Calculator
[Price: Free / $3.20]Mobi Calculator is more of a classic scientific calculator in terms of look and feel. That means it has a crowded interface with a lot of buttons and they all do multiple things. This is great for people who are still use to the old way of doing things when buttons had multiple uses and the ratings reflect that many people quite enjoy the familiarity. It contains all the basic stuff along with logarithms, trig functions, Radix mode, percentages, and more. There are also multiple themes in case you want a different look.

MyScript Calculator
[Price: Free]MyScript Calculator is an interesting entry. Instead of having buttons and the like, it allows you to literally write out the equations you need solved and it’ll attempt to solve it for you. The basics are all covered and you can put down some pretty complicated algebra and trig without there being any hiccups. It’s recommended for people with tablets although it does work on phones as well but you’ll likely want a stylus to get maximum enjoyment. There aren’t a lot of functions available but it handles what is available quite well and it’s a unique premise.

Numix Calculator
[Price: Free / $1.50]Numix Calculator is another one that focuses a bit more on style. It adheres to Google’s Material Design standard and was one of the first calculator apps to do so. It features some bright colors and a sleek interface that is just enjoyable to use. The free version is a basic calculator while the pro version includes additional mathematical functionality, more themes, and more. It’s open source, has a widget (great for tablets!), and it’s great for basic math uses.

[Price: Free / $3.49]RealCalc was one of the first really good scientific calculators ever available on Android. It features a cluttered interface not unlike Mobi Calculator above. That said, it does do a lot with a little bit of space. It has only one screen and you can do a ridiculous number of things inside of it. It’s one of the highest rated Android apps out there and it’s been around forever. About the only downside is the interface looks older, but not bad.

Wolfram Alpha
[Price: $2.99]Wolfram Alpha isn’t a calculator app but it does have a calculator included. It’s a knowledge app that shows you statistics and facts about all sorts of things including things like math, statistics, physics, chemistry, engineering, and much, much more. It’s one of the “smartest” apps ever released on Android and you can do calculations on it using its built in calculator. It’s one of the few apps that we would recommend to all math students no matter how advanced it is. Wolfram Alpha is a must-have app.

Wrap up
If we missed any great Android calculator apps, please let us know in the comments! Also, don’t forget that all Android devices come with a calculator app installed which is usually more than good enough for light use..
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