The Secret Of Improving Memory.....

In this section, you will learn how to create one of the most effective peg lists known to
memory experts. The most effective peg list is the body list, for the simple reason that
you spend more time with your body than anything else. The house list is the next most
useful list. You are extremely familiar with the placement of the furniture and it's easy
for you to visualize the different items on the list.
Creating a house list is a relatively easy and straightforward action. There are only a few
guidelines to follow. When creating your own house list, separate your list into rooms,
and in each room, have 10 items. The reason for this is that later, when you're trying to
remember which item number is 43, all you have to do is think of four rooms of ten, and
it's the third item in the next room.
It's poor technique to try to put different amounts of items in rooms. Don't put three
items in one room and 17 in another. Multiples of five are acceptable, but 10 is easiest
and fastest.
Another rule to follow is this: Don't use items that are too similar. Don't use the standing
lamp and the bed lamp, because there's a chance that later you'll get them mixed up.
Have only ONE door, one lamp, one plant, one table, one chair, etc. Similar items will
only serve to confuse you. Of course, when you're selecting the items, be sure they are
solid and concrete to YOU. For example, the plumbing inside the wall is not usually a
very good item to use unless you happen to be a plumber, and you've seen the plumbing
inside your walls. In general, use your common sense, imagination, and in no time you'll
have a working house list to remember groceries, things to do, and much, much more.
Once you have your house list created, use it just like any other peg list you have. Here is
an example of a simple house list:
1. Sliding Glass Door 6. Trash
2. Refrigerator 7. Microwave
3. Stove 8. Blender
4. Counter 9. Table
5. Garbage Disposal 10. Toaster
2. HOW TO REMEMBER THE SPELLING OF WORDS:How many words are in your vocabulary that you've never been sure how to spell, that
you have been too lazy to look up, and that have irritated you to no end? Well, that's all
right, don't feel too bad, that's why you're reading this! Here's the answer to all your
spelling problems!
Let's take a word that could cause some confusion when one tries to spell it. How about
"Perestroika ". Perestroika is Russian for openness. It is the policy that Gorbachev has
followed that has opened up the communist nations towards self-determination.
Generally, when we forget how to spell a word, it's two or three letters within the word
that are confusing to us, not the whole word. For example, maybe we are having trouble
remembering ii "Perestroika " is spelled with an "I " or an "io ".
The first action we take utilizes the technique that is frequently used in names to convert
words to pictures that one is already familiar with. If we can not even prono unce the
word correctly then we need to take the preliminary step of causing ourselves to
surmount this obstacle. Keep in mind that this problem (of not being able to pronounce
the word correctly) is deadly to correct spelling. We must first convert the word
"Perestroika " to a picture Some words that would help us get a picture of perestroika are
Now, we know that the word "Perestroika " is spelled with an "oi ", so now think of words
that have "oi " in them boil, coil, doily, foil, oil , soil, oink, boink, coin, asteroid, deltoid,
android, . . . you only need one.
Now, picture one of the "oi " words chained/linked to a made up phrase. . . . a PAIR of. . .
( ) destroyed.. CUp. For example: a PAIR of OInkers deSTROYed the CUP. Now if
you'll hold that made up phrase in SIGHT for a few moments you should have solved the
problem of spelling perestroika correctly.
So, in essence, when there is a word you don't know how to spell, change it to a picture,
then chain the picture to words containing the letters that you usually misspell. Voila!
Now you have no excuse to ever misspell a word more than once!

If you are going to meet a group such as at a party, begin by working deliberate ly. Decide
to circulate and make an effort to meet everyone. After you've met two or at most three,
stop and look back and repeat to yourself the names of those three you just met. Then go
on. Keep rechecking every three names visually and you'll have made. It's all a question
of careful handling. If it's a cocktail party, nurse that first drink until you've met
everyone. Alcohol increases your self-confidence but ruins your memory. I often will
give everyone in the room that I plan to meet an identifying description so that I have
every single person uniquely catalogued in my mind. I call this¡giving people a See-
Tag. Based on how I see ¡®em is how I tag ¡®em. Examples are: Big ears, blue suspenders
red vest, silver suit, etc. This is only necessary for the first five minutes or so ¡ª after
that, you'll just "know everyone's names. "
Now let's talk about the easy way to remember numbers. A few people have excellent
number memories and they won't need this. But numbers do play an important role in our
lives. Time is becoming more and more precious. Time wasted in looking up telephone or
other numbers is money out of your pocket.
In addition to this, the person who can remember form numbers, marketing or other
business data, regulation numbers and other business figures impresses others favorably
with his knowledge. This leads to praises and raises.
The problem with most numbers is that they have no meaning. I'm sure that when we had
word prefixes for telephone exchanges more of us remembered them easily than we do
the three digit prefixes. Some people still make words out of the letters of the telephone
dial to take care of the three figure prefix. Thus 432 spells IDA, 487 ITS, 762 SOB, 344
FIG and 349 FIX. Sometimes you will see a telephone number advertised as a word. For
instance, one company advertises dial C -A-R-P-E-T-S for carpets. Another says dial
C-A-R-E-E-R-S for job placement. Our Institute's number is 1-800-REMINDS.
A quick way to remember a number is to associate it with something that you already
know. For instance, 1215 may suggest time for lunch. It happens to be the year in which
the Magna Carta was signed. If you picture the King and his nobles for lunch at 12:15 to
sign it you will remember the date.
It is reported that a touring couple arrived at Runny Mede just in time to hear the guide
say "...and the Magna Carta was signed here in 12:15! " The wife turned to her husband
and said, "Harry, we're always late for everything. We missed it by twenty minutes. "
A few years ago, I met a man who was studying for the civil service exam for police
chief. He was troubled by the necessity for remembering the chapter or section of the law
that applied to a particular offense. For instance, he told me that section 314 applied to
rude and disorderly conduct. I asked him if he knew anyone who lived at number 314 on
any street. He said that he did. I suggested that he picture himself arresting that person for
that offense. He carried this out in many, many areas and not only became chief, but
trains his men very quickly.
Let's think about what he did. He took a present meaning of the number and added to that
meaning the new meaning with what the offense covered. Ever since you were born you
have been associating the new with what you already knew. This is simply a planned or
controlled association in action and it raised this man's pay and grade.
Another way of looking at numbers is to group them. When I ask older service men to
give me their serial numbers it comes out frequently as a rhythm. They have been given
eight numbers in one uninterrupted or ungrouped block. They had to figure out their own
system for it. Today when the army serial number is the same as the social security
number it comes out three digits, two digits, and two pairs of two digits because it has
been set up in those groups. The telephone company calls it putting a "dent " in a group of
numbers. That's one reason for separating the first three digits from the last four, it's
easier to remember.
Still another method is to make a price out of the number. In many areas, you know the
first three digits of a telephone number but have trouble wit h the last four. Pretend it's a
price. For instance, if the doctor's number is 3915, pretend he charged you $39.15 for a
house call. Here is a number for Nurit's Beauty Parlor ¡ª 6551. If she charged you
$65.51 for a haircut, would you forget it? Doing this adds meaning to the numbers.
If you had a friend whose telephone number ends in 1492 there's a very good chance that
you would remember it by associating it with Columbus, for "in fourteen hundred ninetytwo
Columbus sailed the ocean blue. " Your friend has nothing to do with Columbus, but
1492 now has meaning for you so you chain your friend's number data to the prior
Another useful technique is to exaggerate. Picture yourself painting the numbers in big
figures. If you want to remember your friend's address as 415 Oak Street, picture
yourself painting it on his house in big red figures. A police officer who took my course
pictures himself painting license numbers on the back of cars in big figures in contrasting
color to that of the car. This is good when you've got to register one quickly until you
have a chance to write it down.

How many times have you lost an address? How many times have you lost written
directions? How many times have you frantically looked through piles of paper on your
desk because the meeting is in an hour, and if you can't get there, your life is over? How
many times has misfortune and inconvenience occurred merely because of a sheet of
paper? How much longer are you willing to let the forces of order (or confusion ¡ª
whichever one reigns on your desk [grin]) control your everyday life? Since you're
reading this, you're hopefully going to do something about it. Well, more power to you.
Congratulations for realizing that your memory could use some improvement! That's half
the battle.
When learning how to memorize directions, it is necessary to take advantage of the
pegging and chaining techniques you have learned so far, as well as a concept or two you
were given when you learned how to remember people's names. At first, it may seem to
you that using the technique described here for remembering directions is more trouble
than it is worth. Please ignore that idea. Frankly, it's wrong. If it were too much trouble,
the memory experts of the world wouldn't use it, and they've been using these techniques
for over ten thousand years
So please ignore the utterly wrong idea that this technique is not worth applying, because
you will find that its use will make your life a great deal easier.
Pegging the Address:
The first piece of information you should memorize and hold on to when memorizing
directions is the address. Even if you don't know how to get somewhere, and you have
the address, chances are, you'll still make it with the help of a map or friendly locals.
Step 1: For illustration purposes, let's take the address: 15 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles,
CA. Let's break this address down into parts so we can peg it more easily:
Part 1: The number of the address such as 15.
Part 2: The name of the street, ex: Wilshire Blvd.
Part 3: The name of the city, i.e., Los Angeles.
Pegging Part 1:
These are the instructions on pegging the number part of an address, or any number, for
that matter. In order to utilize this technique, one must select a peg list to use, preferably
one that they already know. It only needs to be 10 items long, although a 20 item or
greater peg list would be easier to use. During this tutorial we will use the "Tree List " for
this purpose. (If you do not know or do not want to use the tree list, either substitute your
own list for ours, or look up and learn the tree list which is in Lesson 2, of this tutorial.)
Let's assume that we want to peg the number "15 ", and we would like to peg it to place
one on the body list (the toe). Simply look, and see which peg number 15 is on the tree
list, and peg IT to your toe. Place 15 on the tree list is a paycheck. So now, peg a
paycheck to your toe! (A paycheck cuts your toe ¡ª ouch! Paper cut!) Next time you
want to see what you pegged on your toe, you'll see the paycheck there, which, in turn,
will remind you of the number 15, since paycheck is number 15 on the Tree List. So how
would YOU remember the number 10? Try pegging it on your own, then read on.
Peg the 10 (bowling ball) from the tree list to another peg such as your knee on the body
list. For example, you could drop a bowling ball on your knee ¡ª ouch!
Peg the 1 (tree) from the tree list on your toe, then chain the 1 (tree) to a 0 (donut). For
example, you kick the tree with your toe, breaking it, then the tree falls on top of a donut.
That way, when you want to recall the number, look at your toe. You'll see your toe
kicking down the tree, and having it fall on the donut.
This technique works with a number of any length. Merely add numbers into your chain,
or peg more numbers. (From now on, when referring to number memorization, the list
that you use to CHANGE THE NUMBERS INTO PICTURES ¡ª such as the tree list ¡ª
will be called the "Code List " and the list that you use to PEG THE ENCODED
NUMBERS OR PICTURES ON will be called the "Number-Peg List. ") Of course, if
your code list is only 20 items long, then you will only be able to peg two-digit numbers
with one picture if the number is below or equal to 20. (There's no picture for 94, for
example.) So, it's not a bad idea to create a 100 item code list so that you can always
memorize numbers two digits at a time. However, in the mean time, if the number is
greater than 20, just peg them one digit per picture. (This is where chaining becomes very
Note: There is one particular specific that must be present in a list such as the tree list that
is used as a code list. This is the number 0. There must be an item for 0, else there will be
some numbers (such as 150) that could get tricky. Using 150 as an example, 15 on the
tree list is a paycheck, however, there's still a zero, so obviously, there must be an item
for it. We use donut for the number 0 item on the tree list. (Think of a donut with the hole
in the middle shaped like a zero.)
Pegging Part 2:
Part two of a given address is merely the street name. In this case, it is Wilshire Blvd. In
order to memorize this, simply change the word "Wilshire " into a picture exactly like you
would someone's name.. For example, when you meet someone named Michael, you ask
yourself, "Michael, what's a Micahel? " Then you answer, "A Michael is a microphone. "
This is the same EXACT technique. Ask yourself, "Wilshire, what's a Wilshire? " Then
answer. One answer could be, "A Wilshire is a wilted flower, shaking in the wind like a
wire. " Then add the Boulevard part. Do the same thing. "Boulevard, what's a Boulevard?
A Boulevard is a bowl with art painted on it. " Once you've got the two pictures, just peg
them sequentially on a peg list, or chain them and just peg one to a peg list. It's that
Pegging Part 3:
The last part of an address is the city. The way you memorize this is the same way you
memorize the street names in part 2 and people's names when you meet them. Ask
yourself, "Los Angeles, what is a Los Angeles? " Then answer yourself. For example, "A
Los Angeles is a lost angel. " Then just peg it either on an entirely new peg, or chain it to
the street name.
Pegging the Directions:
Now that you've pegged the address, all that remains is pegging or chaining the
directions. At first, you may want to peg the directions, then try to chain them. As you
gain experience, you can start using longer and longer chains.
Memorize the directions? Easiest thing in the world , you say. All you have to do is
convert all the Street names to pictures just like you did when you memorized the
address. Right? Right. Almost. There are a few small complications. For example, how
would you specify in your chain or peg whether you have to go East or West on a street?
How could you tell if you have to get on the northbound or southbound freeway? Turn
right? Turn left?
These questions are easier to answer than you might think. Here is the key:
We, in our infinite wisdom (grin) have outlined a set of specific actions for use especially
for memorizing directions. Here they are:
North Nuked (Nuclear bombed, microwaved)
South Slashed (Huge knives, slashing)
East Egged (Eggs thrown)
West Wired (Wiring then electrocuting)
Left Lashed (With a whip)
Right Righted (Punched by a prize fighter)
Forward Fried (Burned)
Using the above actions, memorizing directions becomes quick and easy. Get on the San
Diego Freeway South, you say? Fine! (Slash a sa nd dune!) Get off at Wilshire and make
a left? Sure, I can remember that! (Lash a wilted flower, shaking in the wind like a wire!)
Drive until Sawtelle then make a right? (Fry a saw, watch it melt, then bury the dead saw
under many rocks!)
As you can see, these actions can cover most everything someone can tell you when
they're giving you directions. Of course, there are some things you're going to have to
(gasp!) use your imagination for! For example, what if you're told to drive three blocks,
then make a right? Well, take a look at it! You know how to memorize numbers, so
convert the three in three blocks to a picture ¡ª stool for example, from the tree list. Now
fry a stool, while giving it right punches! Simple!
Now that you've read this tutorial, practice pegging/chaining at least five sets of
directions today, and five tomorrow, then two per day for the next week (at least)! In no
time you'll be remembering directions as fast as people can tell you.

Let's learn the easiest way to learn foreign vocabulary quickly. These ideas will be useful
to the student in remembering the words and phrases that you choose to learn. I have
chosen ten words in French for this exercise.
English: French: Pronounced: Mental Link:
water eau oh Oh, am I thirsty for water.
Man home omm The hombre was a mean man.
Money argent arh zhonn John paid money for the art.
bank banque bahnk Bob went bonkers in the bank.
Toilet cabinet cabee nay The cabby neighed like a horse.
Peg the mental link phrases onto a list. Your house list is best for most student
applications, but since I don't know your list I'll use the tree list. The story would go
something like this:
Tree - I see myself watering a tree and sticking the hose halfway down my throat saying,
"Oh, am I thirsty for water. The word is eau. "
Light switch - When that mean hombre turned on the light switch, I stabbed him with my
switch blade. Man is homme.
Stool - I see John the Baptist smashing an expensive oil painting down onto a stool. Art -
John. It's argent.
Car - Bobby Bonkers crashes his car into the bank and goes bonkers and bonks the teller
on the head. Bonk, the word is banque.
Glove - I slap the taxi cab driver across the mouth. "Neigh like a horse, Cabbie. " He
shakes his head and says, "Nay. " The word is cabby nay. Cabinet.
Now it's your turn. Make up your own mental link phrase or story and peg these next five
words to the tree list from gun to bowling ball.
English: French: Pronounced: Mental Link:
room chambre shomr bray
spell appeler ay pay lay
woman femme fam
eat manger mahn jay
sleep dormer dormeer
Write your tree list stories on the back of this sheet of paper. If you would like more
practice, here's a list of ten more words and their pronunciations:
English: French: Pronunciation:
Right droit drwa
Left gauche gohsh
North ford nor
South sud sued
East est es
West Quest west
Bed bett bet
Railroad station gare gare
Come venire veneer
Go alter ally
Let's do a little word for word memorization. Actors need to remember their lines,
musicians their music, sales people their presentations . Students are requested to know
things "by heart " and students of the Bible are asked to keep "the word " in their hearts.
Although we are not often called on to know things word for word, it is a very useful
ability. It separates you from the mass of humanity called . . . . "Nins. " Here are some tips
on doing it.
First, get a photocopy of the data, and, if necessary, have it reduced so that there is some
blank space on the page for your notes. Next, break the "material " down into bite sized
"CHUNKS " such as chapters, pages,paragraphs, sentences, phrases, concepts or words.
Now, read aloud and pay special attention to the start of each chunk. For instance:
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address begins: "Four score and seven years ago our fathers
brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the
proposition that all men are created equal. "
Here is an example of chunking the paragraph:
1 Four score . . . and seven years ago
2 our fathers . . . (praying) . . . brought forth
3 continent ... up on this continent
4 nation . . . a nude nation
5 liberty. . . conceived in liberty
6 proposition . . . and dedicated to the proposition that
7 created. . . all men are created equal.
You would nearly have this memorized if you would just peg the seven key words to
your house list.
Let's take another example of verbatim (word- for-word) memorization. The way this is
done is through a combination of pegging, chaining, and natural memory.
In order to remember something word- for-word, one MUST choose key words out of
sentences (at least one per sentence, frequently two or three). By key words, I mean
words that are descriptive and will remind YOU what the rest of the sentence said. These
key words are for you to decide, and no one else. Once you have some key words, then,
using your house list, peg the key word on each place (you might need to expand your
house list or create some new lists for this) while chaining the rest of the sentence on "top
of it ". For example, if you were trying to remember the following sentence verbatim,
"Objects in motion tend to stay in motion, " then you would:
Choose a key word, in this instance, let's use "motion ". Let's say, for argument's sake,
that the first item on your house list was a door, so envision the door moving around,
even walking around, then envision not being able to make the door stop moving. This
gives you the word "motion " as well as the idea behind the sentence. When you take a
look at your door again, you will most likely remember that sentence word for word. If
you do not, then peg the section of the sentence you're having trouble with, and lengthen
the chain of. . . "door- motion- tending to stay in motion. " If you forgot the word
"objects " when calling it back from memory then envision great huge objects smashing
into the door. This gives you an "objects-motion-tending to stay in motion " chain on
ONE PEG! Continue in this fashion until you have completed the script, poem or speech
that you are memorizing.

I know, I know, at the mention of the word test, your mouth dries up, a lump in your
throat rises, and a cold sweat breaks out on your brow. Always, in school, we were
literally taught to dread tests, and their harrowing night- before cram. Fortunately, you
have decided to do something about it, and if you ever need to take another test, or your
children or friends do, the following technique(s) will enable you to make the grade while
still having a life of your own. Your study time will be reduced, and your results will be
much, much higher. The information:
One of the most important steps in studying for tests is determining what type of
information you are being tested on. If you are being tested on dates, it does little good to
memorize names. If you are being tested for word-for- word, even if you remember the
concepts, you will most likely not fare very well. So step one, take a look at that which
you are being tested on, and decide what kind of information it is. Then decide on the
correct technique to use.
Once You Identify Your Information:
Once you understand what you're being tested on, you can decide on a technique to use.
If you're being tested for names and dates, one technique will be applicable. If you're
being tested for verbatim word- for-word written text, another technique will be
The techniques:
When writing a tutorial such as this one, it is clearly bordering on the impossible to
predict each and every testing situation, therefore, one must, as a writer of such a tutorial,
give to the student the ability to change the techniques to suit his or her needs. You, as
the student, must be able to take the basic principles of memory and tailor- make them so
that they work for you.
For example, if you will be asked questions in terms of numbers, such as, "What is
Newton's First Law of Motion, " then studying for such a test is simply a matter of
pegging various pieces of information onto various peg lists. Frequently, these "pieces "
of information are concepts rather than objects. However, they pose no more than 30
seconds extra time to peg. If one is pegging grocery items, it is simple to peg them on
one's body list. However, to peg Newton's first law of motion takes a little more
imagination. It states, "A body at rest tends to stay at rest, and will remain at rest unless
acted upon by an outside force, and a body in motion tends to stay in motion, and will
stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. " The easiest way to peg it would be
with its concept. One could merely envision one's foot being in motion, and continuing in
motion, pulling the rest of the body along with it. (Notice that I chose the MOTION part
of Newton's law rather than the REST part. Obviously MOTION is a better picture . . .)
One could easily elaborate on that. The point is, that pegging information of that nature is
merely a matter of pegging concepts to lists.
Frequently for tests (and in life) you'll find it necessary to memorize numbers in addition
to concepts or facts. When you find it necessary to peg numbers in addition to the other
information you peg, the best way to go about it is to chain it "on top of " something else.
For example, if you had a friend whose telephone number ended in 1492 there's a very
good chance that you would remember it by associating it with Columbus for "in fourteen
hundred ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue. "Your friend has nothing to do with
Columbus but 1492 now has meaning for you so you chain your friend's number data to
the prior meaning. Recalling numbers in this way becomes easier with practice and
should help anyone on tests.
(MAN's enemies are: Ignorance, illiteracy and poverty!) by keeper of knowledge
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